Saturday, May 5, 2012

We'rrrrrrre Baaaaack!

You thought you got rid of us didn't you?  OK... maybe you HOPED you got rid of us.  :-)
It's hard to believe it's been almost TWO months since we last updated you.  Admit it, we know you've missed the bowel movement updates... I mean, where else do you get that kind of quality blogging?

Jeff is plugging away in cardiac rehab and LOVING the team of specialists who give of their time to work with him.  

I know he is going to have a hard time saying good-bye when it comes time for him to "graduate" into the next Phase of Cardiac Rehab.  

It has been a mixture of time constraints and fear that have kept us from updating the blog.  Transitioning back to work and keeping everything afloat with the kids school work and household responsibilities all while Jeff is still recovering and "testing" out how much he can handle has been a bit physically and mentally EXHAUSTING.

Also, we have shied away from updating because we both have been struggling with an overwhelming feeling that people must be sick of hearing about us.

I was listening to the radio in the car a few weeks ago and this exact topic was discussed.   A woman was talking about how she was waiting for test results but didn't want to burden anyone by asking for prayer requests.   This one minute podcast: I Hate To Be a Burden - Proverbs 31 Ministries was EXACTLY what I needed to hear that day.

From satan's point of view, he LOVES they way Jeff and I feel.... feeling like we need to stop annoying people, stop letting them in on our lives.   Last month, Jeff was trying to do TOO much, TOO soon.  To make a long story short - he ended up at ExpressCare, had an EKG, was told he was having a mild heart attack, the ambulance was called and once again we were back in the ER.  But we were afraid to publicly let anyone know.  We didn't want to burden people anymore.   Unfortunately, we were essentially trying to tell God that, "hey, it's OK, people need you for bigger issues so we'll just ride this one out by ourselves"  We were treating God as if he had a quota for the number of times you are allowed to ask for prayer.  However, in reality, we were disappointing him.

Yes, we have had a few setbacks since our last time checking in with you in March.  Some days are great,  REALLY great and the next one can be extremely different, catching us off guard.   I snapped a "C.S. Lewis-Narnia-esque" picture of our backyard in the end of February because I felt it summarized perfectly what our recovery phase is like...

We have had times when we went from hot to cold in a single step with no gradual transition and vice versa.  We have had times of hanging out in the dreary snow while longing for time in the sun.  Yet, we have slowly watched the snow melt and each week more sunshine prevails.  The experience of being in the cold snow makes us appreciate and not take for granted the contrast of the warm green grass.  The good news is, right now, thanks to your prayers and God's guidance, we are soaking in the "sunny" blessings of good health and progress.  

Some of you have heard about our testimony video and have been requesting for us to put it on the blog.    Here is the link...  Plan B Story - Jeff and Stacy Curtis

The video was used as part of a sermon series called "Plan B" at Westside Christian Church.   It has been a great sermon series and it still continues if you want to come check it out:
  • May 6 - When God Doesn't Help You Succeed
  • May 13 - When Parenthood Gets Crazy

THANK YOU for continuing to pray for us.  Thank you for sticking around.  Thank you for being understanding.   Thank you to the anonymous person and Todd Engel Lawncare mowing our yard this summer to keep Jeff from attempting to over do it.  ;-)

Our final good-bye will be coming soon.  We have a little "thank you" video we are putting together in an attempt to convey our deepest APPRECIATION and let you know how much EVERY word spoken to us, every card and letter written, every hug, every bit of encouragement and every prayer lifted has meant to us and has mattered to God.  There are no words that will do justice to the emotions we feel in describing the impact you have made in our lives.  We wish there was a way we could repay you for all you have done.  We hope the video will give you at least a glimpse of our heart and our gratitude.  Stay tuned....

God is Good!!!!  ALL time time!!!!!



  1. Thanks, Stacy, for the update. Glad to see the pictures of Jeff at Koke Mill. They are a great group of caring and giving folks there. And lots of fun, too.

    Also, so glad to hear that Jeff is doing well now. I was not aware of his recent ER trip. Was the mild heart attack controlled, or did it just pass quickly. Hope he had his nitro bottle with him. I'm averaging probably 4 or 5 a week, but it is what it is.

    I'll watch for you at church and at the Y. When will Greg's rehab be done at Koke Mill. I'd think still a month or nearly two.

    Love you guys.

  2. Glad you're back!! Sure enjoyed hearing the praise band @ the Myanmar dinner! Glad to hear Jeff on drums!! Think of Phase II graduation as merely a stepping stone to the Y, where Grace will be equally caring and watchful!
