Saturday, May 5, 2012

We'rrrrrrre Baaaaack!

You thought you got rid of us didn't you?  OK... maybe you HOPED you got rid of us.  :-)
It's hard to believe it's been almost TWO months since we last updated you.  Admit it, we know you've missed the bowel movement updates... I mean, where else do you get that kind of quality blogging?

Jeff is plugging away in cardiac rehab and LOVING the team of specialists who give of their time to work with him.  

I know he is going to have a hard time saying good-bye when it comes time for him to "graduate" into the next Phase of Cardiac Rehab.  

It has been a mixture of time constraints and fear that have kept us from updating the blog.  Transitioning back to work and keeping everything afloat with the kids school work and household responsibilities all while Jeff is still recovering and "testing" out how much he can handle has been a bit physically and mentally EXHAUSTING.

Also, we have shied away from updating because we both have been struggling with an overwhelming feeling that people must be sick of hearing about us.

I was listening to the radio in the car a few weeks ago and this exact topic was discussed.   A woman was talking about how she was waiting for test results but didn't want to burden anyone by asking for prayer requests.   This one minute podcast: I Hate To Be a Burden - Proverbs 31 Ministries was EXACTLY what I needed to hear that day.

From satan's point of view, he LOVES they way Jeff and I feel.... feeling like we need to stop annoying people, stop letting them in on our lives.   Last month, Jeff was trying to do TOO much, TOO soon.  To make a long story short - he ended up at ExpressCare, had an EKG, was told he was having a mild heart attack, the ambulance was called and once again we were back in the ER.  But we were afraid to publicly let anyone know.  We didn't want to burden people anymore.   Unfortunately, we were essentially trying to tell God that, "hey, it's OK, people need you for bigger issues so we'll just ride this one out by ourselves"  We were treating God as if he had a quota for the number of times you are allowed to ask for prayer.  However, in reality, we were disappointing him.

Yes, we have had a few setbacks since our last time checking in with you in March.  Some days are great,  REALLY great and the next one can be extremely different, catching us off guard.   I snapped a "C.S. Lewis-Narnia-esque" picture of our backyard in the end of February because I felt it summarized perfectly what our recovery phase is like...

We have had times when we went from hot to cold in a single step with no gradual transition and vice versa.  We have had times of hanging out in the dreary snow while longing for time in the sun.  Yet, we have slowly watched the snow melt and each week more sunshine prevails.  The experience of being in the cold snow makes us appreciate and not take for granted the contrast of the warm green grass.  The good news is, right now, thanks to your prayers and God's guidance, we are soaking in the "sunny" blessings of good health and progress.  

Some of you have heard about our testimony video and have been requesting for us to put it on the blog.    Here is the link...  Plan B Story - Jeff and Stacy Curtis

The video was used as part of a sermon series called "Plan B" at Westside Christian Church.   It has been a great sermon series and it still continues if you want to come check it out:
  • May 6 - When God Doesn't Help You Succeed
  • May 13 - When Parenthood Gets Crazy

THANK YOU for continuing to pray for us.  Thank you for sticking around.  Thank you for being understanding.   Thank you to the anonymous person and Todd Engel Lawncare mowing our yard this summer to keep Jeff from attempting to over do it.  ;-)

Our final good-bye will be coming soon.  We have a little "thank you" video we are putting together in an attempt to convey our deepest APPRECIATION and let you know how much EVERY word spoken to us, every card and letter written, every hug, every bit of encouragement and every prayer lifted has meant to us and has mattered to God.  There are no words that will do justice to the emotions we feel in describing the impact you have made in our lives.  We wish there was a way we could repay you for all you have done.  We hope the video will give you at least a glimpse of our heart and our gratitude.  Stay tuned....

God is Good!!!!  ALL time time!!!!!


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Augusta, GA vs. Springfield, IL

Which view do you associate with complete peacefulness?

A) View from a hospital room watching                   B)  The 13th hole of the Augusta National Golf
demolition of a parking garage?                                       Club (aka home of The Masters)?

 For me, the answer is: A

For those who know about our years of entering and being unsuccessful in The Masters tickets random lottery drawing, this answer comes as a big surprise.  Yet, a "Big Surprise" is the reason for my answer.

First, I must back up one week:

On Sunday, March 3rd, we found ourselves back in the ER.  In fact, we were back in the same exact room almost 2 months ago where Jeff was having his 1st heart attack.  This time around... we were a bit more scared because Jeff was very sick and in immense pain but without a known cause.  Jeff had fluid accumulating between his heart and the heart's lining.  This sometimes will occur after open heart surgery and is a very painful condition.  It can become more serious if the fluid is infected.  It tends to be more painful in younger patients because the heart lining, the pericardium, becomes thinner as you age (or so we have been told... remember folks, this is not Web MD).

Initially, we were told Jeff was having a minor heart attack as indicated by his abnormal EKG.  I must have looked like the most cold-hearted wife as I sat in Jeff's ER room, emotionless and typing a text to my parents, as a flurry of nurses with IVs, oxygen and medications were prepping him for surgery.  Once again, the words "Star 80" were uttered but a glimmering of hope as I was told they weren't "officially" making the diagnosis until a lab test came back.  A nurse asked me if I was OK because she said she wasn't used to seeing a spouse so calm.  If I appeared calm, it was NOT because of strength in the midst of chaos.  If I appeared calm, it was because I was in denial.  Denial that is could be happening again.  Denial that we wouldn't be going home that night.  Denial I would have to tell my son, who has been resisting going to school for fear of leaving his dad's side and having something happen to him again, that something did indeed happen again.  I sat there feeling numb.

The results came back quickly, the cardiologist let us know it was NOT a heart attack.  Instead, it could be something still dangerous:  an infection of the fluid around his heart.  It was this fluid causing his EKG to be abnormal.  Jeff was admitted back to the hospital.  His blood pressure was dropping and he was having very sharp pains and palpitations with irregular heartbeats.  He was checked for a blood clot in the lung and thankfully, this was ruled out.  They told us about a condition called Cardiac Tamponade, a condition that can be dangerous if allowed to progress and not caught in time.  Jeff's was caught in time before any extreme surgical procedures or danger was involved.

Once again we were blessed with some outstanding doctors whose devotion and dedication led to the accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment through a series of strong medications in Jeff's IV relieving him of his pain and reducing the inflammation around the heart.   We had the most amazing infectious disease specialist who came and spent a lot of time talking, examining and LISTENING to Jeff late on a Sunday night, in order to pin down the exact cause of the problem.  Then, not too long before midnight, the partner for Jeff's primary care physician came up to examine and visit with him, showing genuine concern.   We had been told by many staff members that these doctors would not be making any calls that late on a Sunday night.  Not only did they come see us, they did it with a sincere level of passion that led them to a profession "to improve the lives of the people they serve".   There was no grumbling, no complaining about leaving their warm homes on a cold, snowy night, no rush to do the minimum to get by until they could see us when it was more convenient during regular business hours.  They served and we were humbled.

As I woke the following Monday morning, a wave of panic I had been trying to stifle for the past few weeks emerged with vengeance.  I was supposed to be returning to work part-time but due to Jeff's re-hospitalization and uncertainty on his prognosis, I was by his side at the hospital instead.  I began letting anxiety concerning lack of income from both of us overtake me.  Anxiety is an unwelcomed sin.  I read all the bible verses about it and read excerpts from books by Christian authors who have overcame its grip.  I felt as if I was still drowning in mine.  Anxiety is unpleasant and I wanted no part of it.  I read 1 Peter 5:7 "Cast all your anxieties on him because he cares for you" and thought... "I must have a broken caster!!".  Finally, I was broken and prayed to God giving him all my fears about bills and medical expenses, fears about when we would be able to return to work.  I. GAVE. IT. ALL.  and God, in return, gave me an indescribable amount of peace.  Shortly after my prayer time, Jeff woke up and I was telling him of how I had let go of my worry when my cell phone rang.  The caller ID showed it was the kids' school.  My heart skipped a beat as I thought, "one of the kids must be sick".   I moved to the window to get better cell phone reception.  As I looked out the window, a member of the staff informed me both of the kid's tuition and lunch money had been paid off for the rest of the school year via an anonymous donation made possible by many individuals (some who I am guessing are reading this blog).  Later, I received a letter telling me of a secret challenge called "Coffee Break for the Curtis'" in which people gave up their daily indulgences for a couple of weeks and put what money they would have spent on themselves toward this challenge.  I took a picture of the spot I was standing, at the moment I received the phone call, because when I look at it, it is a reminder of the peace given when you "cast your anxieties on Him" and to trust in the Lord's provision.  Therefore, in this season of my life, a view from a hospital room watching an old parking garage being demolished brings peace.  Jeff, however, is pretty confident that if we ever had a chance to view picture (B) in person, my opinion would change.  :-)

Throughout the course of those 3 days in the hospital, Jeff responded well to treatment.  He is home now and feeling better.  He still has occasional sharp pains and palpitations as the fluid is still present around the heart but is reducing.  He will continue to follow up with the cardiologist and infectious disease specialist this week.  We are once again feeling thankful.  Thankful for the prayers.  Thankful for the meals. Thankful for the words of support.  Thankful excellent medical care.    Thankful for the anonymous donations demonstrating God's love in action.  Thankful for the recent trial that helped us grow in our trust of God.  It is our hope and prayer, that in the future, God can use us to be as much of a blessing in your life, as you have been in ours.  Thank you for continuing to walk through this trial with us each step of the way.



Monday, February 13, 2012


Wednesday will be the official start to cardiac rehab.  Today was just Jeff's evaluation day, but the many conversations, smiles, words of encouragment, hugs and love shown by all the staff at Memorial's Koke Mill Medical Center gave us a bigger boost of energy than any exercise could have provided on this day.  God's timing is perfect.  However, no worries, the exercise is coming and Jeff is in excellent hands.

Here is a link to a song performed live at our church yesterday synced to a video featuring Jeff and others who have put their trust in God during tough circumstances.    An interesting note, the vocalist in the video, Laura, was less than 2 weeks out from having back surgery as she sang this yesterday.  Her strength is astonishing!  Wendy, featured following Jeff's story, was diagnosed AFTER this video was filmed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma.  She is currently hospitalized, undergoing chemotherapy and radiation.  Please pray for Wendy, her husband Sam and their young son Carter as she battles the cancer.


Nothing is impossible for God. 

God is Good!!!  ALL the time!!!!

-Stacy and Jeff

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Stepping Out With My Baby

First, we need to clear up some VERY important matters.

Apparently, the younger generation was left confused by one of our earlier posts.  It seems, the title of the post, Beans Don't Burn On the Grill , from January, left some scratching their heads and loosing sleep at night.  What was the meaning behind that crazy title?  Well, it has a connection to the first sentence in the post and was a reference to the theme song for The Jefferson's.  Needing to explain a reference to a particular sitcom from the past should not make you feel old.  What makes you feel old is when you have to say, "you see kid, back in my day, they had these things called "theme songs" that played before every TV show started".  And to just add some more completely irrelevant and unnecessary facts to this blog post, my favorite sitcom theme song:  #1) Growing Pains closely followed by #2) Family Ties

Now, that we have cleared that up and we are all on the same page, Jeff and I have some updates to share:

Today, we went on our SECOND adventure out of the house since leaving the hospital.  It was once again a doctor appointment, BUT..... this time it was MORE than a half mile from our house.  Jeff LOVES being a passenger while I drive, he dreads the day the doctor tells him he can drive again, especially since my vehicle is out of commission forcing me to drive his truck.  I think I might love it even more than him since I get the bonus luxury of having a state of the art guidance system fully engaged during our rides.  Not only does this "special GPS" tell me when and where to turn to reach our destination, it lets me know if I picked the wrong lane, if I'm going too slow, braking too hard and even picks out the perfect parking spot.  It really has been wonderful... especially when slow drivers pull out in front of you and it says, "just go around and wax them!".  Yep, I don't know how I managed to get anywhere without this fancy guidance system.  On our way back home, I was enjoying it so much I got a little distracted and "accidentally" turned down one of the bumpiest roads in Springfield.  It totally was not intentional because I would never think of such a thing. ;-)

We received news the infection Jeff is fighting is responding to treatment and improving.   Jeff loathes antibiotics and always prided himself with his successful avoidance of them ever since I've met him.  Well, you know what the Bible says about pride?  Jeff's infection could take 4-6 weeks to master which means more antibiotics for him for awhile longer.  The concern the doctor has regarding continued treatment is recent literature has found tendon ruptures to be a side effect with prolonged use of Jeff's type of antibiotic.  While a tendon rupture is small potatoes compared to what he has been through, it is something we've had our fair share of and would rather not revisit.  Returning to drumming at church is a major motivating factor for Jeff, no other injuries are allowed on this journey.

We also got some news we have also been waiting for... Jeff gets to start rehab on Monday!  I'm not sure if he is going to take his hockey stick to wave toward his therapist like he does me when I start barking orders.   However, I do know as the infection leaves his body, his spunky personality is coming back with a vengeance.  :-)  So you might want to pray for the receptionist who will have to register him, the instructor of his first class and practically every individual who will be within a 3 foot radius of him.   The jovial, joking monster is waking back up. :-)

Prayer requests at this point:

-Pray for those in your life this week who have recently received discouraging news.  Pray that while the news may sting, they will not lose heart and they will continue to trust God.

-Pray for continued positive response from Jeff's treatment as his body fights infection.

-Pray for our kids.  I have been careful and deliberate about protecting their privacy in dealing with their specific responses to this trial.  God knows their needs - please lift the kids up for us.

-Pray for strength as the grind of being cooped up in a house during the winter paired with the lack of structure and absence from our previous routines and comfort zone can take a toll on our mental strength.

-Pray for continued healing of Jeff's body.

-Pray and thank God for all the wonderful blessings He has given you.   It is easy for negative news to saturate our minds and thoughts.  One of the things that has consistently given me a boost is when I log onto facebook and see posts from people in our life sharing their victories, their celebrations or just giving us a peek into the fun things happening in their life whether big or small.  For Jeff and I, reading posts about friends enjoying a sporting event or hobby, experiencing successes, hanging out with friends or enjoying a much needed vacation is more evidence of all the good that exists in this world.  Please don't ever feel the need to shield us from any excitement you have going on in your life.   Blessings in our friends and families lives are blessings in our lives as well.

Please never hesitate to to let us know ways we can be praying for YOU.

God is Good!  ALL the time!!!!

-Stacy and Jeff

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Trying to Sprint in a Mud Pit

The lack of updating the past few days was contributed by 2 things which contradict themselves:

#1) Not much has occurred
#2) There hasn't been free time to type an update

We did not make the three times a day walking goal yet.   However, we did make it outside to the mailbox on Wednesday!  The infection seems to be responding to treatment but still has a grip on Jeff's body and is affecting his rehab.   Yet, we are THANKFUL for the response to treatment.

We also had another positive highlight, we recreated the father-daughter banquet at home tonight.  It was a nice opportunity for Jeff and Kenzie to have some quality time together.  I will save the details and pictures for the next blog but I will give you a sneak peek...

There hasn't been time to update the blog due to trying to transition to life on our own.  At times, I really miss the hospital and those nurses!  :-)  In the hospital, we were able to focus the majority of our energy, thoughts, and time on Jeff's health.  Now, we must work to blend our "new normal" with the "old normal".   The differences become more apparent as you try to resume your previous routines.    

This leg of the journey reminds me of running a cross country race.  OK, I know it isn't the most exciting, glamorous sport but stick with me just for a moment.  You can get back to your Super Bowl hoopla soon enough.  

During a cross country meet, there is a lot of commotion at the start of the race.  Coaches are by the athletes' side for words of expertise about the race ahead, you can talk to fellow teammates sharing similar anxieties, adrenaline flows giving you an added boost as you head to the starting line.   Then the gun goes off and chaos ensues.  You have no fatigue when the race starts and you have a chorus of friends, family and school supporters providing encouragement.  It is the beginning of the race that is actually the easiest.

Then you get to the backside of the course, suddenly you turn the corner to be faced with a steep hill.  By now, the field of racers has thinned and sometimes your nearest teammate is out of sight.  It is much lonelier, more quiet.  The back part of the course is out of sight from spectators and fans.  Now, your legs are burning, your body is fatigued but you know you have to keep going.  You want to look good when you come around the next corner and get seen again by the crowds.  You look ahead and see a competitor who was right next to you when the race started and wonder how did they get so far ahead, why I am still back here.

This is where we are right now, we are on the backside of the course.  We are climbing the hill.  Gone are the nurses to assist and the daily doctors visits coaching us with their words of expertise.  Other "teammates" with similar experiences with this surgery are further ahead at this point.  We knew we would be facing a hill on the course.  But we mentally prepared ourselves for a grassy instead of a muddy hill.  There is a difference between running in grass vs. mud.  If you doubt me, and you live in Central Illinois, the current wet weather provides the perfect opportunity to try it out.

This blog has been one of complete transparency.  The times of strength are authentic and real.  They are also much easier to write.  Exposing weakness comes with hesitancy.  We don't want to get in the trap of dwelling on the negative or getting caught up in self-pity.  More importantly, we don't want our trials to become the focus of a prayer life that deserves so much more.  Our struggles are so pale in comparison to the THOUSANDS living with no medical care, no food, no clean water, no clean clothes and no safety from abuse.  It sounds like something fabricated for a good comparison.  It is not.  If anything, the inaccuracy in the previous statement is the underestimation of "thousands" instead of "millions" of people suffering.  Our financial struggles are temporary and we can make adjustments in our lifestyle to accommodate it.  They cannot.  We will eventually return to jobs with income, Jeff will regain his energy and strength, we will return to our "normal" daily schedule raising our kids, and life will go on.    

We have friends who have made the choice to leave their comfortable lifestyle behind and dedicate the next five years serving and living among those in need, to not only provide what is lacking, but to bring news of an incredible ending.  One day, we will all have the opportunity to cross the finish line in this race called life and be greeted by our biggest supporter.  We WILL be provided energy that will never fade, legs that will never cramp and good days that will NEVER cease.  2 Timothy 4:7-8

It is those who are intentionally sacrificing their bodies, their finances, their lifestyles for the sake of building God's kingdom who truly need our prayers.  It is those with none of the provisions we take for granted who truly need our prayers.  

It's easy to get caught up in the trials of this life.  It is easy to focus inward.  It is at this point, we need to lift our eyes and thoughts upwards.

God is Good!!!  ALL the time!!!!


Monday, January 30, 2012

And the Winner Is....

An infection!  We have never been so excited about having an infection BUT we are ecstatic.  I may have an addiction to sarcasm but this is genuine happiness regarding this news.  It is temporary.  It is treatable. It is not contagious.  It is an answer.  The infection explains his body aches (he has been in constant pain and unable to get comfortable) and overall feeling of cruddiness (yes, I make up my own words and no, you never want to play scrabble with me).  Now, it is not a simple run-of-the mill, sinus type infection.  Nope.  It is an infection of his prostate.  What does this mean?  Well, first it means Jeff gets to the experience the joy of me blogging to the entire world about his prostate.  Secondly, it means it feels like he is peeing razor blades every time he uses the bathroom.  Hey, I've warned up before, if you read this blog, you are going to get updates on Jeff - the good, the bad, the "not dinner table appropriate".  Fortunately, if you know Jeff, it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to embarrass him. Trust me, I try to no avail to embarass him on a daily basis.  We've been keeping a video diary of our journey and there are some great embarassing moments on there that you "might" be lucky enough to see once we reach the end of this road.

Jeff is anemic which also explains his extreme fatigue.  This too is temporary and treatable.

We now have a new specialist to join our medical bills , I mean medical team helping Jeff back to good health and monitor the infection.

Thank you for continued prayers.  Please pray for Jeff's pain to go away, this is the hardest part for me to watch.

Mentally, we are doing well.  Jeff wanted to be strong enough to take Kenzie to a Father/Daughter banquet this weekend and has been a little down about missing the event.  Yet, we are thankful he will be around in the future for many more banquets.  Brayden and I might just have to recreate our own banquet for them here at home.  Those of you who are our facebook friends know our dogs have been sequestered to the basement since Jeff's surgery.  Well, you will be happy to know we have allowed them a few minutes of freedom upstairs with us this evening.  As you can see, they are eager to join Jeff with his exercise on the treadmill....

Jeff is ready to get things moving, get stronger and start the rehab phase once he jumps this last mini hurdle.  We are confident the next few months are going to be great!!  The goal for the end of this week is to complete 3 x 10 minute walks in one day.  Good friends sacrificed their backs and dragged our treadmill up from the basement and it is beautifully displayed next to the dining room table.  It is not HGTV design worthy but it is Get Your Heart Pumpin' worthy.  Tomorrow is exciting because Jeff hasn't been allowed outside unless the temperature is above 47 degrees and tomorrow it's going to bust up to a blazing 63 degrees!  We have goals to reach the mailbox and maybe a few circles in the driveway.  Watch out Springfield, IL!

In the midst of all we have going on, there are SO MANY fighting difficult battles, some well known, some silently.  Please take a moment to lift those up in your life who are experience hardships.  Pray for those who may be dealing with a somber season in the their life, you may not know them by name, but God does and he listens.  Keep your eyes open this week for opportunities to reach out to others.  Remember the smallest acts of kindness or encouraging words can go a LONG WAY and make a BIG DIFFERENCE.  Never underestimate the impact you can make in this world.  

GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!!  ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!!!

-Stacy and Jeff

Friday, January 27, 2012

While We Wait...

Many of you have been asking us about the results of Jeff's tests.  The results did not get back to the office in time for the doctor to read them.  We were told we will have to wait until Monday for answers.  But when we wait, we grow closer to God.   It's ALWAYS a good thing when you are growing closer to God, therefore, waiting for answers until Monday just became a good thing.  :-)


-Jeff and Stacy

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


The first few days at home have been rough but our spirits remain good.  Jeff has to go for a few tests tomorrow.  It is not unexpected to have some extra difficulties after open heart surgery.  We have to keep in perspective everything Jeff's body has gone through the past couple weeks.   Please continue to pray for Jeff's recovery.

Through all of this we have been amazed by the generosity of others.  Family, friends, co-workers, church family and those who are complete strangers.  Today, the giving spirit of these people literally brought us to our knees thanking God for his provision.  Tears of joy and amazement flowed freely from both of us.  God's timing is perfect.

On our behalf, people have made many sacrifices, they have sacrificed finances, taken time out of their day to visit with us, cook us a meal, or run errands.  My co-workers have given up vacation time to cover for me while I was up at the hospital with Jeff and are putting in extra hours to take care of my work load.  People have welcomed our children into their homes, taken them to birthday parties, helped them with homework, kept them overnight and transported them to and from school.  We even had die hard Brewers fans offer to fulfill a present we bought for Brayden's birthday, subjecting themselves to 2 days of Cardinals Mania down in St. Louis and the most painful part...wearing a Cardinals badge around their Milwaukee lovin' neck (still waiting to post pictures of that one).

Then, there is the generosity and caring of all those at Memorial Medical Center who took care of Jeff.  We cannot rave about the medical and support staff enough.  They saved Jeff's life.  The gave Brayden and Kenzie their dad back.  They gave me my husband and best friend back.  They went above and beyond to make sure our needs were being met, even bringing me extra blankets and pillows on the nights I slept in the waiting room.  And when we did have a concern, they responded in a big way.

We want to take this time to say a big THANK YOU.  We may have said it before and we might say it again, but we cannot express enough the positive impact you have made in the lives of Jeff and I and our children.  Impact that will be long lasting.  

As we left the hospital Sunday night, instantly the verse from Matthew came to us and we left it behind on Jeff's dry erase board.  This is a verse our family strives to live by on a daily basis.  It became our focus last June when we went on a Family Mission Trip to Springfield and Joplin, MO.  Each morning of the mission trip, we were given a devotion and a verse to talk about with our family.  Jeff and I had to return to Springfield 2 days earlier than the rest of the group because of my work schedule.  Brayden choose to stay behind with the group, most of which he had never met before the trip.  We did a devotion with Brayden the morning  before we left.  He was headed to Joplin, MO to assist with tornado relief.  The verse from that day was from Matthew 25:45, "Whatever you did for the least of these, my brothers and sisters, you did for me".  This verse is true for all of you who have taken care of us thus far, for those of you who expressed desire to assist our family in the coming months and for all who have prayed for our family.  This is God speaking to YOU.  You see, you weren't just generous with us, you were generous with God.  You have made Him proud by honoring one of His commands:

We will keep you updated on the results of Jeff's tests.  Once we get over this unexpected post-surgical hurdle, Jeff should be able to start Cardiac rehab and get back on the normal course of treatment.  

GOD IS GOOD!!!!!   ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Picture Says a Thousand Words....

Home SWEET Home


It happened very quickly.  I know I said yesterday we hoped Kenzie would hug her dad real soon but "God is Good" and today she saw him for this first time since last Sunday, and she was able to hug him in our living room!!!

We know we have a long road to recovery ahead.  As the doctor said, when referring to our darker day Wednesday, "you don't want to win the battle and lose the war".   We are thankful for God's hand through this trial.  Jeff said, "although it wasn't pleasant and more hard work is ahead, if I had a chance to do it all over again, I would tell God 'Yes!' in a heartbeat."  (no pun intended)

We love all of you.  We hope you will continue to join us on our journey into this next phase.  We may not be updating as often, although Jeff does have a list of "tips" for hospital survival to share with you.  I'm sure you will be on the edge of your seats waiting for that in depth perspective.  However, in the meantime, we are going to take time to enjoy being home together as a family of four after spending SIXTEEN roller coaster days in the hospital.  

We still are not allowed visitors, as Jeff is at high risk for developing an infection.  Once his doctor lifts this restriction, we will let you know. 

Thanks again!

God is Good!!!!!! ALL the time!!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Big Surprise!

So we have something great to tell you.  No, Jeff isn't going home today.  The BIG surprise will be revealed in this post but you have to keep reading.  And no cheating by scrolling down to the end, because we are one step ahead of you and just might sneak it in somewhere in the middle.

Jeff is continuing to improve.  He is continuing to get stronger and has had the best day thus far!

His kidney lab values have improved.  His blood levels are low and he is getting a blood transfusion at this moment.  We are going to wait on letting Kenzie visit but we are confident she'll be able to hug her dad real soon.

The spikes in Jeff's energy levels are lasting longer but are followed by brief moments of extreme fatigue.  We are continuing to celebrate walking further (although with assist of a wheeled walker).  Jeff wants to make use of his current state of alertness to relay something very dear to his heart and something he feels strongly about.... church.  Now, don't stop reading when you hear that word.  Remember, you have to hang in there for the big surprise!

We never could not have made it through this trial while still feeling complete peace, strength, good humor and positive attitude if it wasn't for God AND for our church.  It bothers Jeff when he hears people say they don't go to church because of one bad experience or because of "hearing" about bad experiences from others.  Yes, sadly, there are some churches created by and led by groups of people for dishonest reasons.  Yes, there are some people who visit churches for the wrong reasons.  Most importantly, and don't miss this truth: Yes, EVERYONE who goes to church is imperfect, sins and some can listen to a sermon about avoiding a particular sin and then once again succumb to it.  Two of those people I just described are currently writing this blog.  Does this mean all church goers are hypocrites? NO.

When Jeff and I joined our current church, we admitted we are not perfect, we sin and Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins so we can live together in heaven, a place designed by God just how he truly meant this world to be:  No sorrow, No Pain, No Fear, No Clogged up Heart Vessels, No Broken Kidneys... Perfect.  We are EXTREMELY grateful for this gift of everlasting life.  THAT is why we go to church.  We want to give back and let God know how much we appreciate all he has currently given to us, as well as the wonderful future gift of heaven that was FREELY granted us.  We go to church because it is what the bible commands us to do.  We go to church because we are bombarded with "things of this world" everywhere we turn and we need guidance, accountability and to be challenged on how to navigate and keep our eyes upward.  One hour a week is such a small, small sacrifice on our part compared to what HE has sacrificed for us.

We just spent time in prayer for YOU.  We prayed for each person that will read this blog.  We pray you will consider, if you don't already have a church home, seeking one out.  We are absolutely in LOVE with our current church, Westside Christian Church, in Springfield, IL.  The people are outstanding, friendly, welcoming and sincerely care about one another inside the church as well as loving on others outside the church walls.   It doesn't matter your background, your race, your income level, your social status, or your length of time being a member of the church....  ALL who enter the walls of WSCC are equal.  The leadership of our church have a genuine and authentic passion for following God's word and reaching God's people.   Yes, our church is large.  It is large because it is healthy and growing, not because it focuses on how many people it can jam in the door each week.  Technically, unless EVERY person on this earth is actively attending a church each Sunday, then ALL churches should be growing.  Seeing a church expanding it's walls should be something to celebrate, instead of criticize.  Westside is not in competition with churches, but instead partners with them, both close to home and internationally, to help seek and save the broken and hurting.  There are MANY great churches in our city and across this nation.  It is our hope that you can find a church that blesses your life as much as Westside has blessed ours.

So there you have it.... that is the surprise.... did you catch it?  If not, just keep rereading.  :)

God is Good!!!!!!!!  ALL the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Baby, Baby, Baby...

You want today's update?  Are you sure?  There was nothing poetic or Hallmark card worthy about today, but it has never had us so excited.  You might laugh... at Jeff's expense... but I doubt you cry.  Just make sure you are not eating and then proceed with caution..........

It's been like having a newborn all over again.  Celebrating lots of milestones today... the first time Jeff spoke in a complete sentence, first time feeding himself, first time walking without holding on to something, first bowel movement.  And speaking of bowel movements, ONLY Jeff would ask the nurse if she would call the hospital operator and have the lullaby played over the hospital intercom after his monumental BM.  He became disappointed when she couldn't and he now wants to petition for the creation of a special "1st Bowel Movement" song to play throughout the hospital to celebrate this milestone for all patients.  He claims it is a trend that will spread quickly across hospitals throughout the nation.  He wants a special meeting with his "pal", Ed Curtis, CEO of Memorial, to discuss this important matter leading to a "Great Patient Experience".  :) 

Our biggest milestone:  Jeff can now pee in the potty and is no longer attached to any tubes!  He accomplished "Mission Pee in Potty" with minutes to spare tonight before the time deadline.  If he didn't meet the deadline, they were going to bring back the urology crew to "re-tube".   The thought of that just scared it right out of him.  

His energy level has improved along with his spunky-witty sense of humor I've been missing so badly.  He is still a confused mess.  He insists Steve Carell came in and signed an oath saying he would keep Jeff alive, no matter what it took.  He remembers the morning of surgery, the ICU and Tuesday but he has no recollection of Wednesday afternoon.  The last thing Jeff does remember about Wednesday morning did really occur and is pretty funny (in "hind"sight), but not blog appropriate.  He also remembers the first person he saw when he opened his eyes Wednesday.  Unfortunately, it wasn't like the movies and it wasn't me.  But I'm OK with that ... because it was someone Jeff really looks up to and admires, which makes it pretty cool.  

Jeff needs to preserve the energy he has gained and use it for his walks, breathing exercises and eating .... so he still has to wait on having visitors.  We do plan for Kenzie to come see him for the first time tomorrow.  This will give him an extra boost of motivation.  Brayden was able to see him briefly last night to watch the Blues game but Jeff was pretty wiped out by that point and was sleeping so Brayden is excited to see the "real" Jeff tomorrow.  

Jeff wants to reiterate how thankful he is for your prayers.

God is Good!!!!!!!   All the time!!!!!!!!!

-Stacy (with a little dash of Jeff)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Power of Prayer

I'm going to start with the end of the story FIRST:  Right now, I am sitting in Jeff's room typing this blog  and Jeff is sleeping in a chair but only AFTER he finished walking down the hallway, AFTER he said good-bye to THREE chest tubes and AFTER he joked around with me.  Today has been a day of successes and victories.

Sometime it feels like Satan is saying, "Really Stacy?  Is that all you got, really?  You call that being strong?  Well, let's see how things go after this curveball?"

That is what yesterday was:  a curveball.  Yesterday morning, Jeff was still pretty lethargic, but he was mumbling more which made me happy.  I went to down to get a late breakfast while the urology crew were doing their thing.  Just a tip: always leave the room when the urology crew is doing their thing. You see, urine is important.  When you don't have urine output, things are not good.  The urology crew decided they would go in after it, but despite the call to the plumber, there was nothing.  Then came the words I didn't want to hear, "his kidneys are not working and we need to figure out why"  The rest of the day was a blur, they stripped Jeff off pain medicine to see if it would change things.  It didn't.  We went for tests and with each hour,  Jeff kept getting less alert.  By late afternoon, he wouldn't open his eyes for me, the mumbling was silent, he wouldn't eat and had zero color.    This is when, if you had a prayer-o-meter, then I think (from what I have heard from others) the meter would have been off the charts.   I was not aware at that moment of the large number of people, including some we have never met, who were praying specifically for Jeff's kidneys and his recovery.   What I did know at that time was Jeff started to improve.  At about 6 pm, we had someone who came to pray with us.  Jeff opened his eyes, he mumbled again and even managed a half smile by the end of that visit.  Jesus was there... he never left our side.

Do you believe in the power of prayer?  I always answered quickly to that, "Yes".  I pray.  I pray for others.  I believe in the power of prayer.  Well, wait a minute.   Was I only believing that God listened but deep down did I think that my prayer REALLY made a difference in the outcome of someone else's life?  Did I truly believe if NO ONE prayed for Jeff, then the incredible recovery in this past 24 hours would not have taken place?  Because, if I authentically believe in prayer, then it was NOT A coincidence that Jeff's turn around occured at the same time hundreds of people were fervently in prayer on his behalf.   I realized, I am quick to thank God for answering prayer when things improve, quick to pray to God for comfort when they don't go the way I want them to go, but never really take the time to truly appreciate the POWER of Prayer.  If you think Jeff's recovery has no influence from prayers, then there would be no point in praying for him.  But they do.  God listens.  Prayer matters.  So when I say, "thank you for the prayers".  It sounds so cliche, but means so much.  You are contributing to his recovery.  The greater the challenge, the bigger the victory.  The darker things are, the more brightly God's light can shine.

I went home to see Brayden last night.  A poster board filled with scripture had snuck it's way into our house.  Brayden loved reading each one out loud and then comparing it with the translation in his Adventure Bible.  There was a certain verse that stuck with him.  He said, "Ahhh, I just love this verse, it's amazing".  His love for The Word was genuine and he proceeded to repeat the last part of this verse over and over...

Did you read that?  ALL things... everything from yesterday, everything from today and everything we face tomorrow.

So here is the plan:  Jeff is fighting.  He needs to start eating, he needs to keep walking, he needs to keep using his teddy bear to help him cough and he needs those kidneys do their job.  Thank you for the prayers.

God is Good!!!!!!!!!  ALL the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Quick Update

This is going to be just a quick update and BIG thank you for prayers.

Jeff is out of ICU. He has yet to "wake" up and talk to me. I am being patient and know each day gets better. It is only 3 am right now so this is the time he is SUPPOSED to be sleeping. In a few hours from now, it will be a different story. Today begins the rehab and it will not be easy for Jeff. Pray for Jeff's strength, his pain, his breathing and for his new partners... the Cardiac rehab team.

Jeff still cannot have visitors. Thanks for your understanding.

I may not get a chance to update for awhile so don't be alarmed. I am actually getting used to sleeping in a chair and I'm just happy to be by Jeff's side.

Thank you!!!! Thank you!!!! Thank you for the prayers and words of encouragement.

God is good!!!!! All the time!!!!!!!


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Perfect Peace

Sorry, I wasn't able to update you sooner.  Jeff's surgery went well....really well!!  Praise God!!  He ended up only needing a quadruple bypass instead of quintuple.  Apparently, since we had our heart broken by the #5 on December 8th when a certain person left for the Angels in California, God didn't want Jeff to have to be burdened by that number.  ;)

Jeff's vent had to be kept on longer than expected.  He had trouble with bleeding (this was one of the complications we had be warned about due to his blood thinners).  They called the surgeon who completed his stent surgeries as a precaution and they needed to leave him on the vent in case he was to need to return to surgery.  Many, many prayers were lifted up and the bleeding has slowed and Jeff is now off the vent.  It will still be awhile before Jeff can have any visitors.

I am being patient and letting the nurses do their job.  Jeff opens his eyes every once in awhile for a brief moment and it gives me butterflies each time.  He has muttered a few words but it is difficult for him to talk at this point.   One of the times in the night when I checked on him, he pointed toward the TV and mumbled "Blues" before falling back asleep.  I told him this morning that his St. Louis Blues won last night and are in 1st place since the first time since January 2000 and I received the most beautiful half crooked smile from him.  

Today's prayer request is for Jeff's pain and bleeding to be controlled.  He is having difficulty with the breathing which is just part the normal surface on this road we are traveling along.   I was telling a friend of mine that I just want to hit the fast forward button and speed up to the part where I get to have my jovial, jokester back at home with me.  I hate watching him in the ICU just shaking in pain, crying out for ice and being told by the nurse that I'm not allowed to give him any.  It is pure torture.  But if I was able to fast forward, I would miss out on the opportunity to see what God is teaching me.  So I have to learn to embrace this day, this trial and make the most of every moment, whether easy or hard, good or bad.  

In the night, when Jeff was having his trouble and the possibility of returning to surgery was mentioned, I felt amazing peace.  Early this morning a friend pointed me toward the song by Matt Redman, "Never Once".  This song is a perfect anthem for this trial:

Click Here for Jeff's Anthem... "Never Once" Matt Redman

Standing on this mountaintop
Looking just how far we’ve come
Knowing that for every step
You were with us

Kneeling on this battle ground
Seeing just how much You’ve done
Knowing every victory
Was Your power in us

Scars and struggles on the way
But with joy our hearts can say
Yes, our hearts can say

Never once did we ever walk alone
Never once did You leave us on our own
You are faithful, God, You are faithful

Carried by Your constant grace
Held within Your perfect peace
Never once, no, we never walk alone

Never once did we ever walk alone
Never once did You leave us on our own
You are faithful, God, You are faithful

Every step we are breathing in Your grace
Evermore we’ll be breathing out Your praise

God is Good!!!!!  All the time!!!!!


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Heading into the next chapter

Mixed range of emotions flowing out of this hospital room the past 24 hours.  At the end of each shift change, it becomes time to say goodbye.  We are on Day 9 here and unlike previous shift changes this week, Jeff doesn't get to work with this staff when they clock back in next time. They have been like our family and therefore some tears have been shed.  They have all promised to come see him in the hospital after surgery.   He is still hoping there is a way he can talk them into letting him come back to this unit after surgery.  However, we have heard great things about the staff on the other side of the floor and know God has great things in store for us in our new neighborhood next week.  Here are a few pics from the last week:

We are moving on to the next chapter and must leave the familiarity of our current environment.  We are giving God praise for keeping him free of blood clots this week.  This is a specific prayer request we know many of you having being praying on our behalf.  Speaking of prayer praises....drum roll please........... I have a REAL recliner!!!!   Woooo-hoooo!  I don't know if Jeff and I will sleep much tonight but at least we will both be comfy. :)

Now we go on to face a new battle and fight a tougher fight.   To say that we have not had moments of fear, would be a lie.   We are not living in denial of the reality of our situation.  We know the risks and struggles ahead.  Yet, we also know we are not alone.  We have God and an army of prayer warriors on our side.  I received a bright green envelope in the mail with instructions to open it up and pick out one card each day until they were all gone.  Today, during a wave of anxiety, I went to get the envelope and pulled out a card for the first time.  I reached in and choose one from the middle.  On the card was hand written, "When I am afraid, I will trust in You"  Psalm 56:3.   God never ceases to AMAZE us with His timing.  We had to pack up some things and therefore we erased the target on the dry erase board.  But having a blank 'Plan for the Day' wasn't working for we filled it in:

Thank you to all who signed up to for "Operation Pray Jeff Thru"  We were overwhelmed when we saw the list of names and you have no idea what it means to us to know you have sacrificed this time.  If you signed up, you should have received an e-mail with your time slot.  The groups' original plan was to cover the entire surgery, but you surpassed that and extra slots were added to overflow into the recovery period as well!  God is Good!!!  Also, thanks to the many people we know who are committed to praying for us on their own.  OK, no longer having a problem with the tears.  

Now to some more good news... maybe not quite as great as the recliner but.... we FIXED the comment box so you should now be able to leave posts.  :)  I'll be reading them to Jeff later on tonight and throughout his recovery process.  

So here we go.... let's bring on the next chapter!

God is Good!!!!!   All the Time!!!!!!

-Stacy and Jeff

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Operation Pray Jeff Thru

It's hard to believe.  We have been here one week and Jeff has yet to get kicked off the cardiac floor and moved to pediatrics.

We will be checking in with you tomorrow but wanted to take time to let you know about an essential part of Jeff's surgery and recovery. "Operation Pray Jeff Thru" has been established by friends of ours.   Many have asked how you can help and at this time, this is the most important thing you can do for Jeff.  This will give you the opportunity, no matter how far away you live, to assist us in the greatest way we know how.   The group coordinating this event sent out the following message for instructions on how you can be involved:

"As many of you may know, Jeff Curtis is scheduled for open heart surgery on Monday morning.  If you would like to be involved in praying for Jeff and his family, you are invited to sign up for a ten minute time slot.  The surgery is scheduled to begin around 7 a.m. and they are estimating that it will last about six hours.  We would love to cover the ENTIRE surgery in prayer and need your help.  
Please E-MAIL to let us know you are willing.  We will post (via the Curtis blog) the final schedule late Sunday afternoon. 
Thank you in advance for joining us...may God truly be glorified!
'Are you hurting? Pray...Believing prayer will heal you, and Jesus will put you on your feet.'  James 4"

The amazing thing about talking to God is that you can talk to him from anywhere.  HOWEVER, if you know there is a time that won't be optimal (i.e.. you are giving a presentation, having a colorectal exam (OK, that was Jeff influenced), have a meeting, etc.) please let the group know when e-mailing them.  ;)

Also, many of you have also asked about visiting.  I am going to be gone from the hospital this morning, running errands and tying up loose ends left dangling when we fled the house.  As I started to write this blog entry today, it was an eery feeling knowing it was a week ago (almost to the exact minute) that Jeff had the 1st heart attack.  I hope to have everything done by late afternoon, so I can give Jeff my undivided attention and focus.  Starting later this afternoon, we are going to let Jeff have time with just the kids.  We have tentatively "reserved" sets of time when each child can have their own private visits with their dad for tonight and tomorrow.  Therefore, we are asking there be no visitors starting later this afternoon and tomorrow to allow Jeff this time.

We are so thankful for each one of you!  We will be updating you tomorrow afternoon prior to surgery.  :)

God is Good!!!!!!  ALL the time!!!!!


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Beans Don't Burn on the Grill

Greetings from our deluxe apartment in the sky!  It has been decided Jeff will be having surgery Monday morning.  Until that time, we will be living the high life on the 6th floor of the hospital.  It is important that Jeff is constantly and closely monitored.   The days have been filled with tests, tests and more tests.  In addition, we have been busy making decisions and working on tying up loose ends in preparation for Monday.

Life here isn't all too bad.  EVERY staff member we have came into contact is extremely FRIENDLY and consistently goes the extra mile.   Jeff has made some great friends with many of the staff.... the nurses, housekeeping, techs and even those that bring him his food.  And speaking of hospital food... we LOVE it!  No, seriously, we LOVE the food.  Dare I say Jeff is actually starting to enjoy it here?!  Don't get us wrong, if we had the choice, we'd be busting Jeff out of here, even if it involved parachutes.  But we don't have the choice to go home.  Therefore, we are focusing on what we can choose.  We CAN CHOOSE to make the best of our days here until surgery and decided to make this our home sweet (fun, happy, God honoring) home.

Jeff's spirits are great.  He has been having some discomfort and fatigue but otherwise, feels good.  A pressing concern when he was admitted to the hospital was, "Do they get Fox Sports Midwest?"  The answer is "Yes", which means he has not missed a single St. Louis Blues game.  Since being here, the Blues are undefeated.  Tomorrow night, he has a special night planned with Brayden watching the hockey game together.   I think Brayden has some surprise decorations planned for their Blues watching party.  :-)

I had "the moment" of breakdown yesterday.  Word to the wise.  If you are in emotional distress, DO NOT turn your iPod to SHUFFLE.   I think they should have warning labels like they do for movies but instead of rating the age appropriateness they should have "emotional state" appropriateness of songs:
           'H' = Happy, 'IL' = In Love, 'NE' = Need Energy, 'SB' = Spiritual Boost, 'YWC' = You Will Cry.
Since I hadn't been sleeping well, I cranked up the volume for what I was hoping was a good 'NE' song to jump start the day.   But God knew that it wasn't energy that I needed.  Instead, I needed to get out all the emotions I had been holding inside.    My friends know that I have a crying disorder (Jeff calls it "crying constipation").  The past few days had been one of those times.  I knew it would feel better to cry but I just couldn't.  That is.... until the music played.  A few months ago, I was having a bad day and as "New Day" by Robbie Seay Band was playing, Jeff yanked me out of the chair and in a lighthearted, silly-way, danced with me on the wooden floor.  The memory of that moment vividly flooded back to me as soon as the first note came out of the speakers.....with it came the flood of tears.  I can't begin to describe how much lighter I felt after that cry.  How much stronger I felt.  It was another example of how what I thought I needed was much different than what God KNEW I needed.

Click here if you want to listen to New Day by Robbie Seay Band  (Just a suggestion... it sounds best at high volume and if you are Deb Knoles, please go get some kleenex first)

We continue to feel your prayers.  We continue to read each and everyone of your words of encouragement.  Thank you for sharing uplifting scripture and songs.  We are both blessed to have such caring co-workers, friends and family.  We are feeling your prayers from across many states.  I know I have said this all before but it is worth repeating how much those words and prayers mean to us and how overwhelmed we are by your acts of kindness.

God is Good!!!!!   ALL the time!!!!!!!

-Stacy AND....special remarks by Jeff ;)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Baby Let the Games Begin

It has been a rather long day of waiting, wondering what life would look like a week from now and waiting for the surgeon to tell us what lies ahead. It was hard to not be able to mentally prepare since we didn't fully know what we were up against. We had been told surgery would be in days and we'd been told Jeff would get to go home for a month before having surgery.

Our moment of enlightenment occurred late this afternoon. Jeff will be having open heart surgery as soon as possible (most likely 5-7 days). The date is still not decided upon as they have more safety issues to consider. Jeff's heart needs some time to heal from the trauma of what we discovered was 2 major heart attacks on Saturday. However, waiting more than a week is not optimal. Also, the risks for complications during surgery and the days following are higher for Jeff. It was also revealed to us that Jeff's current heart condition was more involved than we realized. There are 3 main arteries providing blood to your heart. Jeff had 100% blockage in one, 90% in another and then 80% in the 3rd. We knew of the presence of multiple blockages but not the extent of the damage done including the length of blockage in the artery and multiple ulcerations in the vascular tissue. At least 5 by-pass grafts will be needed.

We learned the long term life of the grafts were a lot shorter than we realized (12-15 years). Most concerning to the doctor was that Jeff has no risk factors that are usually seen with this condition (his cholesterol was good, he lives a healthy lifestyle). That leaves to question how to prevent further damage down the road.

At this moment, we are needing time to absorb all that was just thrown at us. As I type this, Jeff is already undergoing tests and we were told to expect more throughout the evening. I think for us the reality and seriousness of the situation is beginning to settle in, but we are relieved we have a clearer picture of what to expect. The surgeon, Dr. Christy, did a phenomenal job explaining everything to us and was in no hurry to leave the room. We feel safe in God's hands.

As soon as we were alone in the room, I will admit my head was SPINNING and Jeff could sense it right away. He grabbed my hand tight and said "This is God's will. We are going to follow along and great things are in store. He has picked us for this trial and just imagine how strong we will be at the end. This is just a bump in the road babe, just a bump in the road."

All Your ways are good
All Your ways are sure
I will trust in You alone
Higher than my side
High above my life
I will trust in You alone

Where You go, I'll go
Where You stay, I'll stay
When You move, I'll move
I will follow You
Who You love, I'll love
How You serve I'll serve
If this life I lose, I will follow You

Light unto the world
Light unto my life
I will live for You alone
You're the one I seek
Knowing I will find
All I need in You alone

In You there's FREEDOM for my soul
In you there's JOY, UNENDING JOY
and Jeff and I will follow

"I Will Follow" - Chris Tomlin

