Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Big Surprise!

So we have something great to tell you.  No, Jeff isn't going home today.  The BIG surprise will be revealed in this post but you have to keep reading.  And no cheating by scrolling down to the end, because we are one step ahead of you and just might sneak it in somewhere in the middle.

Jeff is continuing to improve.  He is continuing to get stronger and has had the best day thus far!

His kidney lab values have improved.  His blood levels are low and he is getting a blood transfusion at this moment.  We are going to wait on letting Kenzie visit but we are confident she'll be able to hug her dad real soon.

The spikes in Jeff's energy levels are lasting longer but are followed by brief moments of extreme fatigue.  We are continuing to celebrate walking further (although with assist of a wheeled walker).  Jeff wants to make use of his current state of alertness to relay something very dear to his heart and something he feels strongly about.... church.  Now, don't stop reading when you hear that word.  Remember, you have to hang in there for the big surprise!

We never could not have made it through this trial while still feeling complete peace, strength, good humor and positive attitude if it wasn't for God AND for our church.  It bothers Jeff when he hears people say they don't go to church because of one bad experience or because of "hearing" about bad experiences from others.  Yes, sadly, there are some churches created by and led by groups of people for dishonest reasons.  Yes, there are some people who visit churches for the wrong reasons.  Most importantly, and don't miss this truth: Yes, EVERYONE who goes to church is imperfect, sins and some can listen to a sermon about avoiding a particular sin and then once again succumb to it.  Two of those people I just described are currently writing this blog.  Does this mean all church goers are hypocrites? NO.

When Jeff and I joined our current church, we admitted we are not perfect, we sin and Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins so we can live together in heaven, a place designed by God just how he truly meant this world to be:  No sorrow, No Pain, No Fear, No Clogged up Heart Vessels, No Broken Kidneys... Perfect.  We are EXTREMELY grateful for this gift of everlasting life.  THAT is why we go to church.  We want to give back and let God know how much we appreciate all he has currently given to us, as well as the wonderful future gift of heaven that was FREELY granted us.  We go to church because it is what the bible commands us to do.  We go to church because we are bombarded with "things of this world" everywhere we turn and we need guidance, accountability and to be challenged on how to navigate and keep our eyes upward.  One hour a week is such a small, small sacrifice on our part compared to what HE has sacrificed for us.

We just spent time in prayer for YOU.  We prayed for each person that will read this blog.  We pray you will consider, if you don't already have a church home, seeking one out.  We are absolutely in LOVE with our current church, Westside Christian Church, in Springfield, IL.  The people are outstanding, friendly, welcoming and sincerely care about one another inside the church as well as loving on others outside the church walls.   It doesn't matter your background, your race, your income level, your social status, or your length of time being a member of the church....  ALL who enter the walls of WSCC are equal.  The leadership of our church have a genuine and authentic passion for following God's word and reaching God's people.   Yes, our church is large.  It is large because it is healthy and growing, not because it focuses on how many people it can jam in the door each week.  Technically, unless EVERY person on this earth is actively attending a church each Sunday, then ALL churches should be growing.  Seeing a church expanding it's walls should be something to celebrate, instead of criticize.  Westside is not in competition with churches, but instead partners with them, both close to home and internationally, to help seek and save the broken and hurting.  There are MANY great churches in our city and across this nation.  It is our hope that you can find a church that blesses your life as much as Westside has blessed ours.

So there you have it.... that is the surprise.... did you catch it?  If not, just keep rereading.  :)

God is Good!!!!!!!!  ALL the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. You are growing too, aren't you Stacy??? In more ways than one. Am I right? I am reading in between e lines, and possibly reading too much into it, but I saw your post entitled 'Baby, Baby, Baby' and now you keep talking about GROWING and EXPANDING...........Are you also growing your family?? Are you expecting? If I have misread this, forgive me, I apologize, but if I am correct, then CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! :) On that note, could you clarify?!?!? :)

  2. Hahaha..... Uh.... No! The surprise was there was no surprise... Surprise! Jeff was involved with this one :-)

  3. Thank you for that!!!! We will continue to pray and lift you, Jeff and the kids up!!!
