Friday, January 20, 2012

Baby, Baby, Baby...

You want today's update?  Are you sure?  There was nothing poetic or Hallmark card worthy about today, but it has never had us so excited.  You might laugh... at Jeff's expense... but I doubt you cry.  Just make sure you are not eating and then proceed with caution..........

It's been like having a newborn all over again.  Celebrating lots of milestones today... the first time Jeff spoke in a complete sentence, first time feeding himself, first time walking without holding on to something, first bowel movement.  And speaking of bowel movements, ONLY Jeff would ask the nurse if she would call the hospital operator and have the lullaby played over the hospital intercom after his monumental BM.  He became disappointed when she couldn't and he now wants to petition for the creation of a special "1st Bowel Movement" song to play throughout the hospital to celebrate this milestone for all patients.  He claims it is a trend that will spread quickly across hospitals throughout the nation.  He wants a special meeting with his "pal", Ed Curtis, CEO of Memorial, to discuss this important matter leading to a "Great Patient Experience".  :) 

Our biggest milestone:  Jeff can now pee in the potty and is no longer attached to any tubes!  He accomplished "Mission Pee in Potty" with minutes to spare tonight before the time deadline.  If he didn't meet the deadline, they were going to bring back the urology crew to "re-tube".   The thought of that just scared it right out of him.  

His energy level has improved along with his spunky-witty sense of humor I've been missing so badly.  He is still a confused mess.  He insists Steve Carell came in and signed an oath saying he would keep Jeff alive, no matter what it took.  He remembers the morning of surgery, the ICU and Tuesday but he has no recollection of Wednesday afternoon.  The last thing Jeff does remember about Wednesday morning did really occur and is pretty funny (in "hind"sight), but not blog appropriate.  He also remembers the first person he saw when he opened his eyes Wednesday.  Unfortunately, it wasn't like the movies and it wasn't me.  But I'm OK with that ... because it was someone Jeff really looks up to and admires, which makes it pretty cool.  

Jeff needs to preserve the energy he has gained and use it for his walks, breathing exercises and eating .... so he still has to wait on having visitors.  We do plan for Kenzie to come see him for the first time tomorrow.  This will give him an extra boost of motivation.  Brayden was able to see him briefly last night to watch the Blues game but Jeff was pretty wiped out by that point and was sleeping so Brayden is excited to see the "real" Jeff tomorrow.  

Jeff wants to reiterate how thankful he is for your prayers.

God is Good!!!!!!!   All the time!!!!!!!!!

-Stacy (with a little dash of Jeff)


  1. Thank goodness. I am so glad that he is improving!!! God is awesome!!! You are an inspiration, Stacy!!!! God Bless!!

  2. Sooooo Happy the hear you are turning the corner...but don't take it too fast ! God Bless....Mike and Linda

  3. Great news Stacy. So glad Jeff is doing much better. You two could write a bestseller and get people laughing histerically while injecting them with the Word of God at the same time.

  4. Well written Stacy-it's amazing how we take the little things for granted, and then sometimes they mean a lot! So glad you had something to celebrate today...keeping the prayers coming.....


  5. Thank you Stacy for keeping us updated with this wonderful blog. We are so glad to hear Jeff is doing better. We will continue to keep him and your family in our prayers. God is Awesome!!!

    Teresa Auble
