Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Picture Says a Thousand Words....

Home SWEET Home


It happened very quickly.  I know I said yesterday we hoped Kenzie would hug her dad real soon but "God is Good" and today she saw him for this first time since last Sunday, and she was able to hug him in our living room!!!

We know we have a long road to recovery ahead.  As the doctor said, when referring to our darker day Wednesday, "you don't want to win the battle and lose the war".   We are thankful for God's hand through this trial.  Jeff said, "although it wasn't pleasant and more hard work is ahead, if I had a chance to do it all over again, I would tell God 'Yes!' in a heartbeat."  (no pun intended)

We love all of you.  We hope you will continue to join us on our journey into this next phase.  We may not be updating as often, although Jeff does have a list of "tips" for hospital survival to share with you.  I'm sure you will be on the edge of your seats waiting for that in depth perspective.  However, in the meantime, we are going to take time to enjoy being home together as a family of four after spending SIXTEEN roller coaster days in the hospital.  

We still are not allowed visitors, as Jeff is at high risk for developing an infection.  Once his doctor lifts this restriction, we will let you know. 

Thanks again!

God is Good!!!!!! ALL the time!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Yes! Praise God! That is just the news we wanted to hear! Tell him to get better quick cuz I think that Rutledge guy was having WAY too much fun on drums this morning! :)

  2. Our Bible Study group was happy to hear that you might be coming home...You guys are still on our prayer list...Keep up the good work...Praise GOD !!!

  3. GREAT NEWS! I'm amazed! God pulled another miracle for his faithful children! Welcome Home. So happy for all of you!!!

  4. YAY!! So incredibly happy to read this post! I can't begin to tell you guys how much God has brought you to my mind this week to pray for you. I know this has been a tough road for both of you, but I am amazed at the attitude in which you have both approached it. You have definitely been an amazing light to so many people! Praising God that you are all home together now!!

  5. Yes. Yes. Yes. God is Good.

  6. God Bless you, my prayers have been with you and continue .... keep healing !!!! (friend of the Griffins, Denise)

  7. Wow what wonderful news! He never leaves our side, does He? Prayers continue!!

  8. I had a prompting to check on Jeff this morning and now I know why. . . Awesome, awesome news!! I am so glad to see that beautiful picture of Jeff at home with Brayden and Kenzie. Praise God from who all blessings flow!! We will continue to pray for you all!!

  9. This is awesome news! Our prayers will continue for Jeff and your family during the new phase of this journey.

  10. Jeff,
    Im sorry to hear about all this craziness, but Im very happy to hear you are doing well. Take care of yourself and get well so I can look forward to watching more backyard, floodlight sledding at the Curtis household. Miss you and wish you well!
    Lucas Shelton
