Saturday, January 14, 2012

Operation Pray Jeff Thru

It's hard to believe.  We have been here one week and Jeff has yet to get kicked off the cardiac floor and moved to pediatrics.

We will be checking in with you tomorrow but wanted to take time to let you know about an essential part of Jeff's surgery and recovery. "Operation Pray Jeff Thru" has been established by friends of ours.   Many have asked how you can help and at this time, this is the most important thing you can do for Jeff.  This will give you the opportunity, no matter how far away you live, to assist us in the greatest way we know how.   The group coordinating this event sent out the following message for instructions on how you can be involved:

"As many of you may know, Jeff Curtis is scheduled for open heart surgery on Monday morning.  If you would like to be involved in praying for Jeff and his family, you are invited to sign up for a ten minute time slot.  The surgery is scheduled to begin around 7 a.m. and they are estimating that it will last about six hours.  We would love to cover the ENTIRE surgery in prayer and need your help.  
Please E-MAIL to let us know you are willing.  We will post (via the Curtis blog) the final schedule late Sunday afternoon. 
Thank you in advance for joining us...may God truly be glorified!
'Are you hurting? Pray...Believing prayer will heal you, and Jesus will put you on your feet.'  James 4"

The amazing thing about talking to God is that you can talk to him from anywhere.  HOWEVER, if you know there is a time that won't be optimal (i.e.. you are giving a presentation, having a colorectal exam (OK, that was Jeff influenced), have a meeting, etc.) please let the group know when e-mailing them.  ;)

Also, many of you have also asked about visiting.  I am going to be gone from the hospital this morning, running errands and tying up loose ends left dangling when we fled the house.  As I started to write this blog entry today, it was an eery feeling knowing it was a week ago (almost to the exact minute) that Jeff had the 1st heart attack.  I hope to have everything done by late afternoon, so I can give Jeff my undivided attention and focus.  Starting later this afternoon, we are going to let Jeff have time with just the kids.  We have tentatively "reserved" sets of time when each child can have their own private visits with their dad for tonight and tomorrow.  Therefore, we are asking there be no visitors starting later this afternoon and tomorrow to allow Jeff this time.

We are so thankful for each one of you!  We will be updating you tomorrow afternoon prior to surgery.  :)

God is Good!!!!!!  ALL the time!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Started praying just as we woke up at 6:50...haven't stopped since....
